June Star Reveals The One Simple Trick To Being Successful On The Road

3.31.2023 -North Carolina

Dave Hadley and I are barreling down I 40 in North Carolina… our heading: Youngsville NC! We’re out for 72 days traveling across the entire US of A. I don’t have anything too pithy to say right now… but I’m going to work on it… the former President of the US was indicted yesterday… hopefully the process will do the thing it is designed to do.

In the meantime… I’m publishing some tour diaries and videos on line… check em out below! Being on the road is expensive and we don’t really earn what we deserve… so feel free to subscribe to our Bandcamp page: http://junestar.bandcamp.com/subscribe. or VENMO us… @junestarband

Listen, Laugh, Love!

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Breakdown from Lower Your Arms… in sepia… we look more antique than ever!

Tour Diary 02: with Pope of Mexico!!!! Why am I gaining weight? USA!

Andrew Grimm