June Star Live Shot from The Lager House 10.19.2022

Live Shot!

Wednesday October 19, 2022 June Star played at the much loved and storied Lager House in Corktown/Detroit, Michigan.

What a fun night with long time friend and musical champion Don Duprie opening up solo. Powerhouse songs delivered with a weary sincerity you only deliver by way of a much lived experience. Love that guy… turning in some great performances as well were Bourbon Squirrel and Poor Player.

This snippet from the night is “Here We Are” from the new EP —due 10.28.202 on Whistlepig Records—and features some pretty weary singing if we might say so ourselves. Enjoy!

As always… consider sustainable support for June Star by subscribing $5 per month on Bandcamp. A boatload of songs to explore… and a shining sense of satisfaction that you are helping independent musicians, who happen to be real humans, remain financially solvent while touring!

Of course… you can always just Venmo us some digital monies… @junestarband (please… no Crypto Currency)

Thanks for watching,


Andrew Grimm