10.30.2022: New EP Released, Halloween, What's Next?

10.30.2022: So, we’re back with a new EP on Whistlepig Records out of Detroit. Five songs that I wrote for the Bandcamp Subscription reshaped and re-recorded for a dusty sound. These songs are as much about love as they are about looking back. Not really nostalgia. More reflection and reverence, please do dig in and listen.

Halloween: Okay… so I’m fast becoming disenchanted with Halloween. What always felt like a fun, creative, and goofy event has really exploded into an event on par or preferable to Christmas… and/or the Super Bowl. Now, truly, if you’re into the Halloween thing, I’m not slagging on you… just talking out loud. So, if you love that scene and you cannot get enough of it… that’s great. You do you.

I’m just saying, from a touring musician’s perspective… Jesus. Every place we’ve played for the past two weeks has had three or four Halloween shows, parades, ghost walks, party parade… and so on… like to the point where you start thinking… fun is fun… but, is there a limit? For full disclosure of my self awareness… we are traveling from town to town… so everyone has their own schedule and individuality… so while we are transient our perspective is certainly going to be skewed a bit. So I can own that.

However, it really has created in me a true sense of pause in booking shows from October 15th through October 31st. We ended up playing a Halloween show in Minneapolis and it was fine… some great young bands playing covers… a great version of Van Halen’s “Panama” complete with an EVH guitar and 5150 amp… so there is that… but all the Halloween worship can’t help but lead me to think that folks aren’t entirely happy in their lives (duh).

When the moment to shine in life is to dress up as someone who is already dead… there are problems that need to be addressed. How? I dunno… but man that sounds depressing.

What’s Next? Check out our tour dates! Follow us on Bandsintown! and Subscribe to our Bandcamp… be a part of a movement to support independent artists and not soulless corporations! Here’s a picture of Angus… super cat from a fabulous AirBNB in Minneapolis!

Andrew Grimm